by bannman027 (2) at 22-05-2023, 05:23 PM
Reason for Ban:bannman027#2994
Ban Length:1 week
Banned by: no slzzp
Reason you should be unbanned (include any evidence here):i am sorry i did not kow that it wood be that big and kill so mene players i hve never used c4 befor please unban me this is what i do all day arfder school
by Tony the Tiger at 21-05-2023, 01:44 PM
Was told to reupload with my updated hours which i have attached

Roleplay Name: Tony the Tiger

SteamID (STEAM_0:0:00000000): STEAM_0:0:520788136

Discord Name (NAME#xxxx): Barry B. Benson#6565

Are you over the age of 18?: yes im 19

Do you have any previous bans or warnings on any of our servers?: no

How many hours have you spent playing on our server?[Screenshot]: How many hours have you spent playing on our server?[Screenshot]: (new hours)
(Minimum of 48 hours required to be considered for staff)

Current Rank (For Logging Purposes): Member

Why would you like to become staff on our DarkRP server?: I have really enjoyed my time so far and would like to help the community grow. i see major potential for the server and can see it lasting a long time. i really enjoyed my time as staff and have always liked to part of something bigger. i work during the day however i play mostly on weekend and at night meaning i can staff the busier times. i have always tried to be a fair admin and take all the information from both sides before making a decision. i like to keep a level head however i can be firm if needed.

What experience do you have staffing on Garry's Mod, if any?: I have staffed in two servers before including elitelupis dark rp  which i believe got rid of there australian server and another server called pasta networks which no longer has active players

Do you have a thorough understanding of our rules?:  yes i have read through them and have knowledge from previous servers

Do you have any other comments you'd like to add?: i know that my hours a lower than the needed amount but i hope an exception can be made as i feel i have the experience required for this role.
by Aadrick at 17-05-2023, 08:56 PM
I'm Aadrick
by Aadrick at 17-05-2023, 08:43 PM
How is everyoneeeeee?
by Trap at 09-05-2023, 02:33 AM
Im awesome very sexy very cool very strong very amazing very modest and mature god bless australia and the usa
by random at 06-05-2023, 11:40 PM
Roleplay Name: Nord VPN

SteamID (STEAM_0:0:00000000): STEAM_0:0:11101

Discord Name (NAME#xxxx): Random#4207

Are you over the age of 18?: Yes

Do you have any previous bans or warnings on any of our servers?: No I do not

How many hours have you spent playing on our server?[Screenshot]:
(Minimum of 48 hours required to be considered for staff) 

Current Rank (For Logging Purposes): vip+

Why would you like to become staff on our DarkRP server?: I want something new to experience I have never done this type of thing before and just giving it a go will be a cool experience and I think its a good way to meet people and get to know all types of characters in this community I have already met tons of cool people on TAU and I think being staff will get me the opportunity to meet more people and improve my communication skills and also having fun with this community

What experience do you have staffing on Garry's Mod, if any?: I have no experience but I am willing to learn 

Do you have a thorough understanding of our rules?: Yes

Do you have any other comments you'd like to add?: Nope thank you for taking the time to read my application :)
by Spaceman ™ at 29-04-2023, 11:02 AM
Could you add more variety to to the police armoury? or even a XP system that allows you to acquire new tools and weaponry to conduct completely non tyrannical government activities... 

by Aadrick at 24-04-2023, 06:34 PM
by .kim. at 22-03-2023, 12:30 AM
hi im sara on server. i dont have a microphone.
please stop stalking me.
by Jefe at 18-02-2023, 05:54 PM

Would actually give the orgs a purpose besides a money competition.
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