by Smegma at 17-06-2022, 12:35 AM
Been starting to learn E2 and would love to see some examples of how 
people have applied it into the server and formulate some ideas of my own

Feel free to just show off the build if you don't want to share the code
by [WP] Peps at 15-06-2022, 05:45 PM
Feel like with the recent opening of the arma sand box server would be nice or cool to open up a arma I&A server or even a Sandbox server with some cool jet mods their are some solid ones out their that are well made. also wondering if TAU will be branching out into Arma Reforger and even arma 4 when it is released.  
Main Reason for posting this here is to see what the player base feels like and if their keen on Arma even though the server will pick u players by being new in the tabs list and open.

Also Should Open Arma Staff Application 
by Bambism at 13-06-2022, 11:47 PM
So recently there have been a lot of issues with server lag. I whole heartedly think its caused by 2 things;
- Props with moving textures
- too many props in one area
Garrys mod does allow you to code in specific prop limit numbers especially since different entities take up bandwidth balence. 
Who will this help you wonder? People with shitty P.C's and people with good pc's all have issues with Garrys mod because a lot of the time it is this wird combination of mods that collide with themself. 
All in all less props will cause less lag for most people. And to be frank some of the bases seem a bit weird for the main demographic of dark rp. 
There was also an issue earlier today when staff noticed someone had too many door keypad things. This could be easily dealt with if there was a cap on the prop limit of this issue. You can put in a limit here to prevent the issue rather then warning people for the rule. Not that I am saying its not right to follow rules. All I am saying is that on the dev side you can implement things to prevent a situation from even occuring. It would mean less strain on the staff members for that particualar issue. They can focus on more derious tickets. 
- Cap on builing bases
- Cap on moving textured items as they take up more server prop slots
- Cap some items to prevent staff from having to deal with petty sits
by THEFOOTLORD at 15-05-2022, 07:02 PM
Hello I am THEFOOTLORD and I’m going to be playing the Australian underground, I came from orbital and I was a mod by the name of Richard f lord.
by Bill at 01-05-2022, 03:14 AM
G'day, some of you guys may know me by the name of Bill Dopher.
I just wanted to introduce myself because I want to be known to the community as a whole and hopefully I make some friends along the way.
I won't write down a long ass paragraph so hopefully some of you guys get to interact with me and get along well, as long you aren't a minge bag or a dick head towards me.
Anyways, good luck to you all people.
by Dog v2 at 14-04-2022, 05:59 PM
Im good at vortexing and playin games, I play DayZ. My names Dog but im not a dog. just waiting for my ban appeal to be reviewed im bored asf and the other servers are garbage.
by Rocket Raccoon at 12-04-2022, 07:30 PM
Make a printer upgrade where you can buy an upgrade which stops people from taking your printer and breaking them, just like in elites server. Also a over clocking upgrade!
by Porky at 05-02-2022, 04:52 PM
Interested to see what other people drive. I'll kick us off. 2011 Ford Mondeo and a 2017 Suzuki SV650

Any other bike riders out there?

[Image: bike.jpg]

[Image: car.jpg]
by The Australian Underground at 31-01-2022, 03:55 PM
Ban Appeal Template
Please follow the template below when posting a ban appeal on our Forums.
Reason for Ban:
Ban Length:
Banned by:
Reason you should be unbanned (include any evidence here):
by The Australian Underground at 31-01-2022, 11:37 AM
The Australian Undergroup - DarkRP Staff Application Template

If your application is denied, do not start chasing up Management or other staff to question the reason for the denial. If you are accepted, there will be a reply sent on your application and you will receive a DM from a Manager to organise an interview,


Roleplay Name:

SteamID (STEAM_0:0:00000000): 

Discord Name (NAME#xxxx):

Are you over the age of 18?: 

Do you have any previous bans or warnings on any of our servers?:

How many hours have you spent playing on our server?[Screenshot]: 
(Minimum of 48 hours required to be considered for staff) 

Current Rank (For Logging Purposes):

Why would you like to become staff on our DarkRP server?:

What experience do you have staffing on Garry's Mod, if any?:

Do you have a thorough understanding of our rules?: 

Do you have any other comments you'd like to add?:
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