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Multiple Suggestions
I figured I would make one suggestion thread for a few suggestions I have rather than spam multiple threads.

First up I suggest having another staff role below moderator to start people off with less power and responsibility, give them the power to assist staff members when things get busy and more importantly to help manage the server when staff are inevitably not online. A previous server I was a Mod on had a staff positions like this called Respected, they were able to kick and vote ban people for up to 3 hours, this helped control the late night chaos that happens on almost all DarkRP servers. This would also give staff a decent chance to see people who are willing to help and run the server without making them a Mod/Trial Mod.

My Second suggestion is to make another area on the forums to allow for people to post guides in both RP and OOC context, I have previously written a few guides for DarkRP servers and would be happy to make a contribution to this server.

Lastly I'd Like to see police be able to interact with Meth manufacturer entities such as their shipments and even the items in their tent. At this stage meth manufacturers are practically invincible when it comes to police or raids the only thing they have to worry about is being arrested or mugged for 15k. This makes the roll really easy to farm cash with little to no risk, I've seen meth manufacturers set up their tents in broad daylight because the cops cant do anything. 
I understand if its not something you can fix because its a 3rd party mod but I figured I'd bring it up.

If anyone has any questions or points they'd like to raise with me please hit me up in game or in the discord.



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